Monday, April 28, 2008

Sweet little devil

Currently, I work at the "digital security" company -well

sort off-. being such, I should be able to coding--which

means I should be able to write a certain computer code

using a certain computer code language to create a certain

program to do a certain thing that enabling a certain smart

card to do a certain task...confuse yet?

Well apparently, I'm one of those programmer that fall into

the criteria that has been known -well, at least by me- as

"the faker". That means, most of the time I spent in front

of the computer was only staring at it..don't know what to

do with the error and then faking it to make it look I

really know what I'm doing..

For all of you faker out there, my heart goes to all of

you...and this is what you can do instead of generally

blank staring at the computer. you could buy a BENDOS!!!

what is a bendos you say?--ck, amateurr...--
oh..kayy...bendos is an action figure with a twist, it

really is twisted,hehe
you could bend it here and there and make it pose in anyway

you want it. but be careful tho, it is additive and quite

potential to make you look like an idiot in front of your

colleague..esp when your office is divided only by


What I, as a proffesional bender of bendos, usually do is

arrange it in some certain pose that make my imagination

so during the blank phase of coding --which is almost all

of the time,mind you- I could stare at my bendos and create

some sort of lunatic scenario on my mind. like say...I posed

it like this...

and then I imagine it screaming for help...--smirk

Really tho, U should try...this is one hell of a toy :)



Anonymous said...

kirain BENDOS itu semacam programming tools yang memudahkan para faker coder utk bekerja. Hwahaha! Dasar, gak nyambung...

Eniwei, namanya jelek banget sih. Kek BANDOT.

evil said...

jeng...kamu harusny sudah mengenalku dengan baik...cem mana ak hendak memberi saran tentang coding lah..meng-koding pun ak mencret2...

klo soal nama mah jgn diungkit2 kali..itu kan dari sononya..bukan gw yg ngarang

Anonymous said...

Itu si cupidnya ngapain manjat monitor ya? padahal kan ada sayapnya?

evil said...

the dumper, what a good question you have there...well...let's see....
--mencoba memikirkan alasan hina...
--masih mikir...
kamu mau tau? ak jg mau... hehehehe